Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Starting again...again

I have recently started up my Avon business again. I've decided that I need to hold myself more accountable. It is nearing the Christmas season, and this is a time when business is usually booming. I've already had several people seek me out for books with little to no effort on my part. Imagine if I made the effort!

I've created myself a schedule, and plan to add to it as I see the need. My "boss" (read: husband) will check my schedule each day and remind me if I've forgotton (or tried to get out of) doing something.

Here is my assigned schedule:

Submit orders
Update mileage
Return calls

Update Excel documents
Return calls

Prep new brochures
Return calls

Update website
Prep delivery
Return calls

Return calls

Any other deliveries
Return calls

Ok, so that looks better on paper in table form than it does here, but I don't know how to put a table into my blog!

Goals for today include:

  1. Getting my old orders together.
  2. Getting a book to a new customer.
  3. Tossing books that are bagged and ready to go.

I will check back in tonight to see if I accomplished all of them!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Tag! You're it - check it out here:http://violetscollegefund.blogspot.com/2008/10/tag-im-it.html